Was there an update regarding shaders or materials?

Once I enable ‘Cast shadows’ for directional light, some 3d objects in editor becomes fully black,
Just a little piece of code from launch

Failed to link shader program. Error: C:\fakepath(86,12-41): error X3013: 'tex2Dgrad': no matching 2 parameter intrinsic function
C:\fakepath(86,12-41): error X3013: Possible intrinsic functions are:
C:\fakepath(86,12-41): error X3013: tex2Dgrad(sampler2D, float2|half2|min10float2|min16float2, float2|half2|min10float2|min16float2, float2|half2|min10float2|min16float2)

Warning: D3D shader compilation failed with default flags. (ps_3_0)
Retrying with avoid flow control
C:\fakepath(86,12-41): error X3013: 'tex2Dgrad': no matching 2 parameter intrinsic function
C:\fakepath(86,12-41): error X3013: Possible intrinsic functions are:
C:\fakepath(86,12-41): error X3013: tex2Dgrad(sampler2D, float2|half2|min10float2|min16float2, float2|half2|min10float2|min16float2, float2|half2|min10float2|min16float2)

Warning: D3D shader compilation failed with avoid flow control flags. (ps_3_0)
Retrying with prefer flow control
C:\fakepath(86,12-41): error X3013: 'tex2Dgrad': no matching 2 parameter intrinsic function
C:\fakepath(86,12-41): error X3013: Possible intrinsic functions are:
C:\fakepath(86,12-41): error X3013: tex2Dgrad(sampler2D, float2|half2|min10float2|min16float2, float2|half2|min10float2|min16float2, float2|half2|min10float2|min16float2)

Warning: D3D shader compilation failed with prefer flow control flags. (ps_3_0)

Failed to create D3D Shaders

[object Object]

Error compiling shader for material=Terrain pass=0 objDefs=65540

Hey this is interesting … are you able to create a simple repro case for this for me to look at? Feel free to create an issue here as well if you do: Issues · playcanvas/engine · GitHub

Hi, I’m building on a fork of this project PlayCanvas 3D HTML5 Game Engine
Just checked, same results

I tried running this on my Windows 10 machine, both Chrome and Firefox, and don’t get those issues. Could you please share some details about your system? OS, browser, graphics card, are drivers up to date? Perhaps try to update the drivers, try different browser as well if possible.

Old laptop, win 7 64bit, intel hd 3000,
the problem only happens with shadow type PCF 3x3 and 5x5

Could you try to install newer drivers for the video card please.

If you go here WebGL Report
does it say dx9 under the Unmasked Renderer: field? If so yeah you need newer drivers as the intel fallback is just awful and will (even if it worked) likely produce all sorts of rendering issues

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Unmasked Renderer: ANGLE (Intel, Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 Direct3D9Ex vs_3_0 ps_3_0, igdumd64.dll)
Antialiasing: Available
ANGLE: Yes, D3D9

Guess I’ll just have to stick with Firefox

I have the same I-GPU, I had to add --disable-d3d11=0 to the launch shortcut , to make it work in chrome


Please tell to the community how did you do the fix?