Once I enable ‘Cast shadows’ for directional light, some 3d objects in editor becomes fully black,
Just a little piece of code from launch
Failed to link shader program. Error: C:\fakepath(86,12-41): error X3013: 'tex2Dgrad': no matching 2 parameter intrinsic function
C:\fakepath(86,12-41): error X3013: Possible intrinsic functions are:
C:\fakepath(86,12-41): error X3013: tex2Dgrad(sampler2D, float2|half2|min10float2|min16float2, float2|half2|min10float2|min16float2, float2|half2|min10float2|min16float2)
Warning: D3D shader compilation failed with default flags. (ps_3_0)
Retrying with avoid flow control
C:\fakepath(86,12-41): error X3013: 'tex2Dgrad': no matching 2 parameter intrinsic function
C:\fakepath(86,12-41): error X3013: Possible intrinsic functions are:
C:\fakepath(86,12-41): error X3013: tex2Dgrad(sampler2D, float2|half2|min10float2|min16float2, float2|half2|min10float2|min16float2, float2|half2|min10float2|min16float2)
Warning: D3D shader compilation failed with avoid flow control flags. (ps_3_0)
Retrying with prefer flow control
C:\fakepath(86,12-41): error X3013: 'tex2Dgrad': no matching 2 parameter intrinsic function
C:\fakepath(86,12-41): error X3013: Possible intrinsic functions are:
C:\fakepath(86,12-41): error X3013: tex2Dgrad(sampler2D, float2|half2|min10float2|min16float2, float2|half2|min10float2|min16float2, float2|half2|min10float2|min16float2)
Warning: D3D shader compilation failed with prefer flow control flags. (ps_3_0)
Failed to create D3D Shaders
[object Object]
Error compiling shader for material=Terrain pass=0 objDefs=65540