UI elements aren't responding to interactions

I’ve been using this script across a lot of my projects to handle mouse interactions with a button on my UI. In my current project, I have two scenes with buttons that do different things. One scene was a test to get the buttons transitioning to each other when you click them (i.e. click start button, end button appears, click end, reset appears, click reset, start appears, and so on). The buttons work perfectly fine in this scene, but when I use the script on the button in the other scene it ignores my cursor.
Buttons script: https://playcanvas.com/editor/code/532971?tabs=10939245,11165090,10939368,11164177
Scene: https://playcanvas.com/editor/scene/586668

You forgot to flag the “Use Input” check box on the button element

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Right, thank you. Always a small thing like that.