[SOLVED] Help with error: 'getLightMap' : no matching overloaded function found

Hi everyone!

I am tying to run this script directly on PlayCanvas.

The purpose of the script is to parse Unreal Engine light map to PlayCanvas engine.

I successfully added the class NodeLightmap on my project and inserted it on an entity with render component. The class input parameters I got from the git repository web project.

But when I run the project, I got the following error:

Failed to compile fragment shader:

ERROR: 0:624: 'getLightMap' : no matching overloaded function found

619: getMetalness();
620: getIor();
621: getGlossiness();
622: getSpecularity();
623: getEmission();
624: getLightMap();
626: litArgs_worldNormal = dNormalW;
627: litArgs_albedo = dAlbedo;
628: litArgs_metalness = dMetalness;
629: litArgs_ior = dIor;

[object Object]

Error compiling shader [Shader Id 9 LitShader-forward-proc] for material=MI_Trimsheet pass=0 objDefs=65548

[object Object]

Can anyone help me whit this?

PlayCanvas code:

// NodeLightmap.js

class NodeLightmap extends pc.ScriptType {

    static _materialMappings = [];

    static clearCachedMaterialMappings() {
        this._materialMappings = [];

    initialize() {
        // ORIGINAL:
        // if (!this.entity.model) {
        if (!this.entity.render) {
            throw new Error("The entity must have a model-component!");


    applyLightmapToModel() {
        // ORIGINAL:
        // if (!this.entity.model.model) {
        if (!this.entity.render) {

        this.entity.render.meshInstances.forEach(instance => {

            instance.material = NodeLightmap._findOrCreateExtendedMaterial(

            instance.setParameter("lm_coordinateScaleBias", this.coordinateScaleBias);
            instance.setParameter("lm_lightmapAdd", this.lightmapAdd);
            instance.setParameter("lm_lightmapScale", this.lightmapScale);

    removeLightmapFromModel() {
        // ORIGINAL:
        // if (!this.entity.model.model) {
        if (!this.entity.render) {

        // ORIGINAL:
        // this.entity.model.meshInstances.forEach(instance => {
        this.entity.render.meshInstances.forEach(instance => {

            const originalMaterial = NodeLightmap._findOriginalMaterial(

            if (originalMaterial !== null) {
                instance.material = originalMaterial;


    static _findOrCreateExtendedMaterial(
    ) {
        let material = this._findExtendedMaterial(nodeLightmap, originalMaterial);

        if (!material) {
            const { texture, texCoord } = nodeLightmap;
            material = originalMaterial.clone();

            material.lightMap = texture.resource;
            material.lightMapUv = texCoord;
            material.chunks.lightmapSinglePS = this._createLightmapSinglePS();

                original: originalMaterial,
                extended: material,

        return material;

    static _findExtendedMaterial(
    ) {
        return (
                mapping =>
                    mapping.extended === originalMaterial ||
                    (mapping.original === originalMaterial &&
                        mapping.extended.lightMap === nodeLightmap.texture.resource &&
                        mapping.extended.lightMapUv === nodeLightmap.texCoord),
            )?.extended ?? null

    static _findOriginalMaterial(
    ) {
        return (
                mapping => mapping.extended === extendedMaterial,
            )?.original ?? null

    static _createLightmapSinglePS() {
        return this._getCommonShaderCode() + this._getHighQualityShaderCode();

    static _getCommonShaderCode() {
        return `
            #ifdef MAPTEXTURE
            uniform sampler2D texture_lightMap;

            uniform vec4 lm_coordinateScaleBias;
            uniform vec4 lm_lightmapAdd;
            uniform vec4 lm_lightmapScale;

            vec2 getLightmapUV0(vec2 uv)
                return (uv * lm_coordinateScaleBias.xy + lm_coordinateScaleBias.zw) * vec2(1.0, 0.5);

            vec2 getLightmapUV1(vec2 uv)
                return getLightmapUV0(uv) + vec2(0.0, 0.5);

    static _getHighQualityShaderCode() {
        return `
            vec2 flipY(vec2 uv)
                return vec2(uv.x, 1.0 - uv.y);

            vec3 getLightMapColorHQ()
                // NOTE: Mesh Uv's are flipped in Y(V) compared to UE4, and
                // we therefore need to temporarily flip them (again) while
                // performing scale- and bias-calculations.
                vec2 flippedUv = flipY($UV);
                vec2 lightmapUv0 = flipY(getLightmapUV0(flippedUv));
                vec2 lightmapUv1 = flipY(getLightmapUV1(flippedUv));

                vec4 lightmap0 = texture2D(texture_lightMap, lightmapUv0).rgba;
                vec4 lightmap1 = texture2D(texture_lightMap, lightmapUv1).rgba;

                float logL = lightmap0.w;

                // Add residual
                logL += lightmap1.w * (1.0 / 255.0) - (0.5 / 255.0);

                // Range scale logL
                logL = logL * lm_lightmapScale.w + lm_lightmapAdd.w;

                // Range scale uvw
                vec3 uvw = lightmap0.rgb * lightmap0.rgb * lm_lightmapScale.rgb + lm_lightmapAdd.rgb;

                // logL -> L
                const float logBlackPoint = 0.01858136;
                float l = exp2( logL ) - logBlackPoint;

                float directionality = 0.6;

                float luma = l * directionality;
                vec3 color = luma * uvw;

                return color;

            void addLightMap() {
                dDiffuseLight += getLightMapColorHQ();


pc.registerScript(NodeLightmap, 'NodeLightmap');

NodeLightmap.attributes.add("texture", {
    type: "asset",
    assetType: "texture",
    title: "Texture",

NodeLightmap.attributes.add("texCoord", {
    type: "number",
    title: "TexCoord",

NodeLightmap.attributes.add("lightmapAdd", {
    type: "number",
    array: true,
    title: "Lightmap add coefficients",

NodeLightmap.attributes.add("lightmapScale", {
    type: "number",
    array: true,
    title: "Lightmap scale coefficients",

NodeLightmap.attributes.add("coordinateScaleBias", {
    type: "number",
    array: true,
    title: "Coordinate scale & bias",

Script component

Thanks a lot!

Hi @Julio_Faria and welcome,

Most likely the shader chunk included in that script is old and needs updating. Also try to add a texture, if you haven’t, in your material Lightmap slot, that will force the shader to include the required shader chunk in the final shader.

You can check this page on how shader chunks are getting updated and the migration required on each release:


The live library can be found here:

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Thanks @Leonidas for the help!!!

The problem was on function addLightMap, because the correct name is getLightMap, as is mentioned on the documentation that you provided!