Render to Texture not working on Oculus Browser (VR)


I was trying to render the view of a secondary camera in a texture for a VR project and found the Tutorial: Render to Texture. After enabling WebVR on the project, the camera seems to stop rendering in the texture as soon as I enter VR but works otherwise.

I created a project to show this:

Thank you!

I think render to Texture seems is broken in VR :frowning:

Am I doing something wrong? it works before getting into VR mode.

EDIT: It seem to work in other browsers

I think its more of ‘doesn’t work for VR’ rather than ‘broken’. There’s a different render pipeline for WebVR and it might not be able to handle more than one camera in the scene?

Is there any other technique I could use to render a layer in a texture?

You can try digging in the engine code to see if there is a way to have more than one camera. I can imagine it might be done for optimisation?

Thank you for your help @yaustar. I was reading the engine code:

         * @function
         * @name pc.CameraComponent#enterVr
         * @description Attempt to start presenting this camera to a {@link pc.VrDisplay}.
         * @param {pc.VrDisplay} [display] The VrDisplay to present. If not supplied this uses {@link pc.VrManager#display} as the default
         * @param {Function} callback Function called once to indicate success of failure. The callback takes one argument (err).
         * On success it returns null on failure it returns the error message.
         * @example
         * // On an entity with a camera component
         * (err) {
         *     if (err) {
         *         console.error(err);
         *         return;
         *     } else {
         *         // in VR!
         *     }
         * });
        enterVr: function (display, callback) {
            if ((display instanceof Function) && !callback) {
                callback = display;
                display = null;

            if (! {
                callback("VrManager not created. Enable VR in project settings.");

            if (!display) {
                display =;

            if (display) {
                var self = this;
                if (display.capabilities.canPresent) {
                    // try and present
                    display.requestPresent(function (err) {
                        if (!err) {
                            self.vrDisplay = display;
                            // camera component uses internal 'before' event
                            // this means display nulled before anyone other
                            // code gets to update
                            self.vrDisplay.once('beforepresentchange', function (display) {
                                if (!display.presenting) {
                                    self.vrDisplay = null;
                } else {
                    // mono rendering
                    self.vrDisplay = display;
            } else {
                callback("No pc.VrDisplay to present");

but I do not see any indications of why the second camera would turn off. I don’t know much about engines so if anyone could point me to where I may find more about this, that would be of great help.

Thank you!

So I tested in on the rift and it seems to work when using firefox! :smiley: So it seems to be an Oculus Browser Problem.

Does anyone know of another way of rendering the camera output to a texture? I have been doing a lot of troubleshooting with the Oculus Browser but I can’t find what is the problem.

-The image shows for a second and then the texture goes black.
-The texture shows the camera output correctly when not in VR mode.