Released: Poseidon Remote Coding

A remote coding tool for PlayCanvas that allows you to code locally in your favorite editor and have your code uploaded to your PlayCanvas project.

Beta release, v0.9.1

For instructions on how to install and use go here.



A new release is available for the Poseidon Remote Coding extension, making the sync process much more stable and also supporting additional asset types.

To upgrade use NPM:

npm install -g poseidon-remote-coding

v0.9.5 changelog:

  • File watcher is now fully sequential, responding correctly when a file is being updated several times in a short amount of time.

  • Bug fix: from time to time duplicate files created on upload.

  • Bug fix: from time to time files uploaded to the wrong editor folder.

  • New asset types have been added, the full list of supported types:

    .js (script)
    .json (json)
    .glsl (shader)
    .html (html)
    .css (css)
    .txt (text)


Another release has been pushed:

v0.9.6 changelog:

  • Added an optional argument to enable auto-reload on a page when changes happen.

To upgrade use NPM:

npm install -g poseidon-remote-coding

To use the flag:

pic-serve -r

Another release has been pushed:

v0.9.8 changelog:

  • Added support for linux/OSX (mac).
  • Removed sound flag, since it had compatibility issues with linux/OSX.

To install/upgrade use NPM:

npm install -g poseidon-remote-coding

For linux/OSX you will have to use sudo and an additional flag to allow compilation of 3rd party libraries:

sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm poseidon-remote-coding