PlayCanvas Editor Feedback

For static scene objects, it’s a convenience for the artists to be able to create the whole scene in StudioMax (or whatever their preferred tool) and import it in ‘chunks’. And it means that the whole scene can be scaled or adjusted simply within the editor.

It does create some problems for me, however, if I need to manually adjust one element, but not all the others. It seems like your new FBX/GLB features might help in this regard.

Yes, we are working on being able to import the model heirachy into the scene so you can move/scale/add scripts etc. Does this sounds like what you are asking for?

Yes, precisely. It’s a big work-flow hassle to have to break up an FBX, and re-import. So, this is a really nice improvement for us.

You can see a preview of the feature in this talk from a few days ago:

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OMG…animation state engine!!! Gimme gimme gimme!

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A post was split to a new topic: Having issues with my projects

Please add automatic dark mode support.
It’s as easy to detect it as:

const instanceDarkMode = matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)");
let isDark = instanceDarkMode.matches;
instanceDarkMode.onchange = ({ matches }) => {
  isDark = matches;

The reason I’m using onchange and not addEventListener("change") is that Safari on macOS < 11 doesn’t support the latter.

For the Editor?


With the left and right keys I can move the camera in the editor scene to the left and to the right, but with the up and down keys I zoom in and out. Why is that?

We only have a dark theme at the moment :sweat_smile:, would you like a light theme as well?

FPS controls, WASD to move forward back, left, right. Q and E to move up and down :slight_smile:

That’s indeed what I expect, but I have the feeling that W and S are flipped with Q and E right now…

I see it depends on the camera’s viewing direction.

Of course
A light theme is necessary when I’m working early in the morning, and the sun’s rays hit the screen

First of all: The Templates are awesome and in hindsight I realised this was the reason I haven’t used PlayCanvas since six years.
One improvement would be to show the content of the selected Template in the Inspector and make it editable just like a regular Entity.
The current workflow is a bit cumbersome:

  1. Drag the Template into the Scene
  2. Make the desired changes
  3. Apply them to the Template
  4. Delete the Template instance from the Scene

Moreover, it is currently impossible to change the transformation of the Template root, which is used as a default for new instances. This means you have to be extra careful when creating a new Template and if you miss it or need to change it later, you have to recreate the Template and setup all instances with their overrides again.


Thanks for these comments, @Detzt. We do have a ‘template editor’ on our roadmap for later this year.

Hey, @zpaul and @vaios - check out the templates feedback from @Detzt above. :smile:

We can also add an option in our UI to apply a change in position and rotation of the root to the template asset and all instances.

That would be great and resolve the biggest issue (recreating entire templates) :+1: I can live with dragging templates in and out of the scene until the template editor is released.

A workaround for this is to use a different scene for template editing and have that as a separate tab in the browser.

I’ve noticed very laggy realtime updates after changing script attributes via sliders/inputs to the player. Also the editor dis- & reconnects too often - it’s getting annoying, that’s why I post. I guess it has to do with the ws server location which results in high latency - I’m in central Europe. My internet connection is fast and stable (cable).

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