PlayCanvas 3D game developer

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Project Name: 3D game developer
Role Required: Playcanvas developer
My Role: Programmer
My Previous Projects: (N/A if none)
Team Size: 3
Project Length: 2 months
Compensation: hourly project(20-40)
Project Description: Looking to build a webGL / HTML5 playcanvas social experience with a similar interface/layout to PlayCanvas 3D HTML5 Game Engine

Design & Build (A-Z) Multiplayer 3D Playcanvas social experience (not game) where anyone who joins is a little robot which can run around the planet and talk to one another.

Interface should be similar to:
url(will share)

But with more modern graphics & APIs similar to url(will share)

The planet (moon) should be at least 10x larger than in orbital survival, but with a similar interface to orbital survival to run around on desktop & mobile. Pinch & Zoom should be similar to url(will share) but zooming in should move the camera at an angle.

Zooming out all the way should show the planet from a birds eye view, (round), zooming in all the way down should go down into the robot at an angle (3rd person) behind their space character / robot. The space suit / robot should appear small when zoomed all the way out.

First Version (singleplayer): “single user, can run around the large moon, and can zoom in/out to enter third person behind their robot”. Should support both desktop and mobile. Mobile interface for touch joystick should match orbital survival.

Second Version (multiplayer): "anyone who loads the game is auto authenticated as an anonymous user, users inactive timeout after being idle for 10 minutes, or having a max session for 6 hours. Users can run around & see one another (all the same space suit/avatar). Support up to 20 players.

Third Version: “Add Proximity Voice Chat along with microphone button to toggle on/off voice chat (playback and microphone)”. Toggling off should disable microphone and speaker.

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