pc.Picker and custom shader

Hi again folks,

The pc.Picker seems to work well with default Materials, but for some reason it does not work for me when mesh instances use a new ´pc.Material´ with a custom shader.

When trying to access the selection, I get an error.

const selected = this.picker.getSelection(event.offsetX * this.pickAreaScale, event.offsetY * this.pickAreaScale);
const node = selected[0].node;
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'node')

Any idea why?

Would you be able to post a public example project?

It’s a pure engine project, so not very easily, sadly.

this.picker = new pc.Picker(this.app, canvasWidth * this.pickAreaScale, canvasHeight * this.pickAreaScale);
this.picker.resize(canvasWidth * this.pickAreaScale, canvasHeight * this.pickAreaScale);
this.picker.prepare(this.cameraComponent, this.app.scene);

const selected = this.picker.getSelection(event.offsetX * this.pickAreaScale, event.offsetY * this.pickAreaScale);
const node = selected[i].node;

The above code is quite indicative of all code regarding the Picker itself.

		const vShader = `
			attribute vec3 aPosition;
			attribute vec2 aUv0;

			uniform mat4 matrix_model;
			uniform mat4 matrix_viewProjection;

			varying vec2 vUv0;

			void main(void)
				vUv0 = aUv0;
				gl_Position = matrix_viewProjection * matrix_model * vec4(aPosition, 1.0);

		const fShader = `
			precision ${this.app.graphicsDevice.precision} float;

			varying vec2 vUv0;

			uniform sampler2D uDiffuseMap;

			void main(void)
				vec4 tex = texture2D(uDiffuseMap, vUv0);

				gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
				gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;
		const shaderDefinition = {
			attributes: {
				aPosition: pc.gfx.SEMANTIC_POSITION,
				aUv0: pc.gfx.SEMANTIC_TEXCOORD0
			vshader: vShader,
			fshader: fShader

		const material = new pc.Material();
		material.shader = new pc.Shader(this.app.graphicsDevice, shaderDefinition);
		material.setParameter("uDiffuseMap", this.diffuseMapAsset.resource);

		return material;

And here’s the Shader, which is assigned directly to a pc.MeshInstance.material.

I’ve created a repro of the issue here with the following code:

function example(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, deviceType: string): void {

    const assets = {
        'bloom': new pc.Asset('bloom', 'script', { url: '/static/scripts/posteffects/posteffect-bloom.js' }),
        helipad: new pc.Asset('helipad-env-atlas', 'texture', { url: '/static/assets/cubemaps/helipad-env-atlas.png' }, { type: pc.TEXTURETYPE_RGBP }),

    const gfxOptions = {
        deviceTypes: [deviceType],
        glslangUrl: '/static/lib/glslang/glslang.js',
        twgslUrl: '/static/lib/twgsl/twgsl.js'

    pc.createGraphicsDevice(canvas, gfxOptions).then((device: pc.GraphicsDevice) => {

        const createOptions = new pc.AppOptions();
        createOptions.graphicsDevice = device;
        createOptions.mouse = new pc.Mouse(document.body);
        createOptions.touch = new pc.TouchDevice(document.body);

        createOptions.componentSystems = [
            // @ts-ignore
            // @ts-ignore
            // @ts-ignore
        createOptions.resourceHandlers = [
            // @ts-ignore
            // @ts-ignore

        const app = new pc.AppBase(canvas);

        // Set the canvas to fill the window and automatically change resolution to be the same as the canvas size

        const vShader = `
			attribute vec3 aPosition;
			attribute vec2 aUv0;

			uniform mat4 matrix_model;
			uniform mat4 matrix_viewProjection;

			varying vec2 vUv0;

			void main(void)
				vUv0 = aUv0;
				gl_Position = matrix_viewProjection * matrix_model * vec4(aPosition, 1.0);

        const fShader = `
			precision ${app.graphicsDevice.precision} float;

			varying vec2 vUv0;

			uniform sampler2D uDiffuseMap;
            uniform vec3 uColor;

			void main(void)
				gl_FragColor.rgb = uColor;
				gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;

        const shaderDefinition = {
            attributes: {
                aPosition: pc.gfx.SEMANTIC_POSITION,
                aUv0: pc.gfx.SEMANTIC_TEXCOORD0
            vshader: vShader,
            fshader: fShader

        const assetListLoader = new pc.AssetListLoader(Object.values(assets), app.assets);
        assetListLoader.load(() => {


            // setup skydome
            app.scene.skyboxMip = 2;
            app.scene.envAtlas = assets.helipad.resource;
            app.scene.skyboxIntensity = 0.1;

            // use a quarter resolution for picker render target (faster but less precise - can miss small objects)
            const pickerScale = 0.25;
            let mouseX = 0, mouseY = 0;

            // generate a box area with specified size of random primitives
            const size = 30;
            const halfSize = size * 0.5;
            for (let i = 0; i < 300; i++) {
                const shape = Math.random() < 0.5 ? "cylinder" : "sphere";
                const position = new pc.Vec3(Math.random() * size - halfSize, Math.random() * size - halfSize, Math.random() * size - halfSize);
                const scale = 1 + Math.random();
                const entity = createPrimitive(shape, position, new pc.Vec3(scale, scale, scale));

            // handle mouse move event and store current mouse position to use as a position to pick from the scene
            new pc.Mouse(document.body).on(pc.EVENT_MOUSEMOVE, function (event: any) {
                mouseX = event.x;
                mouseY = event.y;
            }, this);

            // Create an instance of the picker class
            // Lets use quarter of the resolution to improve performance - this will miss very small objects, but it's ok in our case
            const picker = new pc.Picker(app, canvas.clientWidth * pickerScale, canvas.clientHeight * pickerScale);

            // helper function to create a primitive with shape type, position, scale
            function createPrimitive(primitiveType: string, position: pc.Vec3, scale: pc.Vec3) {
                // create material of random color
                const material = new pc.Material();
                material.shader = new pc.Shader(app.graphicsDevice, shaderDefinition);
                material.setParameter('uColor', [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]);

                // create primitive
                const primitive = new pc.Entity();
                primitive.addComponent('render', {
                    type: primitiveType,
                    material: material

                // set position and scale

                return primitive;

            // Create main camera
            const camera = new pc.Entity();
            camera.addComponent("camera", {
                clearColor: new pc.Color(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)

            // add bloom postprocessing (this is ignored by the picker)
            camera.script.create("bloom", {
                attributes: {
                    bloomIntensity: 1,
                    bloomThreshold: 0.7,
                    blurAmount: 4

            // function to draw a 2D rectangle in the screen space coordinates
            function drawRectangle(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number) {

                const pink = new pc.Color(1, 0.02, 0.58);

                // transform 4 2D screen points into world space
                const pt0 = camera.camera.screenToWorld(x, y, 1);
                const pt1 = camera.camera.screenToWorld(x + w, y, 1);
                const pt2 = camera.camera.screenToWorld(x + w, y + h, 1);
                const pt3 = camera.camera.screenToWorld(x, y + h, 1);

                // and connect them using white lines
                const points = [pt0, pt1, pt1, pt2, pt2, pt3, pt3, pt0];
                const colors = [pink, pink, pink, pink, pink, pink, pink, pink];
                app.drawLines(points, colors);

            // sets material emissive color to specified color
            function highlightMaterial(material: pc.Material, color: number[]) {
                material.setParameter('uColor', color);  

            // array of highlighted materials
            const highlights: pc.Material[] = [];

            // update each frame
            let time = 0;
            app.on("update", function (dt: number) {

                time += dt * 0.1;

                // orbit the camera around
                if (!camera) {

                camera.setLocalPosition(40 * Math.sin(time), 0, 40 * Math.cos(time));

                // turn all previously highlighted meshes to black at the start of the frame
                for (let h = 0; h < highlights.length; h++) {
                    highlightMaterial(highlights[h], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]);
                highlights.length = 0;

                // Make sure the picker is the right size, and prepare it, which renders meshes into its render target
                if (picker) {
                    picker.resize(canvas.clientWidth * pickerScale, canvas.clientHeight * pickerScale);
                    picker.prepare(camera.camera, app.scene);

                // areas we want to sample - two larger rectangles, one small square, and one pixel at a mouse position
                // assign them different highlight colors as well
                const areas = [
                        pos: new pc.Vec2(canvas.clientWidth * 0.3, canvas.clientHeight * 0.3),
                        size: new pc.Vec2(100, 200),
                        color: pc.Color.YELLOW
                        pos: new pc.Vec2(canvas.clientWidth * 0.6, canvas.clientHeight * 0.7),
                        size: new pc.Vec2(200, 20),
                        color: pc.Color.CYAN
                        pos: new pc.Vec2(canvas.clientWidth * 0.8, canvas.clientHeight * 0.3),
                        size: new pc.Vec2(5, 5),
                        color: pc.Color.MAGENTA
                        // area based on mouse position
                        pos: new pc.Vec2(mouseX, mouseY),
                        size: new pc.Vec2(1, 1),
                        color: pc.Color.RED

                // process all areas
                for (let a = 0; a < areas.length; a++) {
                    const areaPos = areas[a].pos;
                    const areaSize = areas[a].size;
                    const color = areas[a].color;

                    // display 2D rectangle around it
                    drawRectangle(areaPos.x, areaPos.y, areaSize.x, areaSize.y);

                    // get list of meshInstances inside the area from the picker
                    // this scans the pixels inside the render target and maps the id value stored there into meshInstances
                    const selection = picker.getSelection(areaPos.x * pickerScale, areaPos.y * pickerScale, areaSize.x * pickerScale, areaSize.y * pickerScale);

                    // process all meshInstances it found - highlight them to appropriate color for the area
                    for (let s = 0; s < selection.length; s++) {
                        if (selection[s]) {
                            const material = selection[s].material as pc.Material;
                            highlightMaterial(material, [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]);

With this example project: https://playcanvas.github.io/#/graphics/area-picker

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Ah, yes it seems to break the example. The Picker ceases to select anything.

Created ticket for this: Area picker doesn't work with custom shader on pc.Material · Issue #5265 · playcanvas/engine · GitHub


I added a comment on the ticket.

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Thanks for taking a gander, guys