Nintendo Switch port


Just curious: Has anyone tried porting a PlayCanvas project to Nintendo Switch?
(I mean, given the similar performance requirements I imagine this is something with quite a bit of potential…)
If anyone have, it would be rly interesting to hear about your experience with it!

I see this was previously mentioned in this thread: [SOLVED] Using joystick
@Linkplayer, @Tirk182, did you ever end up trying your projects out on the Switch?

Short version it wouldn’t be permissible by Nintendo AFAIK

Vampire Survivors that was Phaser first ended up doing a Unity port of their game for consoles. I don’t think I’ve seen a full Web game ported as is for Switch


Huh, so a policy limitation rather than a technical one? :thinking:

Feels like a lost opportunity… Tho I guess it makes sense they want extra controll since it is heavily marketed towards children…

With homebrew anything is possible. I mean I had a beta of my game playable on xbox one years ago before it caught fire and made the entire room smell like exploded capacitor for several days.

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That’s my current understanding as it would likely require shipping a web view/browser which console manufacturers generally don’t like to do (possible exploits, executable code on the user side etc)

The closest I’ve seen are people running games on the Xbox One browser which is basically Edge

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Hm… IC. And there’s no real way of making an downloadable app out of it that does not require the use of some sorta integrated browser that has these possible exploits then I guess?

The closest I’ve seen is JS → Haxe → C++ → Switch from the Cross Code developer


I think what he is saying is that playcanvas games are designed to run on web browsers, so a switch game would have to either pack in a web browser, or somehow emulate a web browser, either of which sounds like a dream for arbitrary code execution and other exploits. And even if it didnt, good luck getting permission to pack in edge or chrome or firefox or whatever into your switch game. And even if everything went fine, running a game on a fake browser just seems very wasteful and unnecessary, so it would not be a good idea in general even if it worked.

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Hm… ic
That sums it up pretty well X)
Thx for all the replies!

I just saw this in my notifications, and the thing is that I am still wondering if it actually is possible, but I don’t think that the question was completely answered. I guess we might need someone to make a complete tutorial on it to find out.

Commercially? Not possible to do a straight up web game publish on Switch

You would have to port/transcode to a native executable build and integrate with the Switch SDK

You can play web games for Switch if you have a modded Switch. Does anyone have a modded switch? Or a warranty-breaking exploit. I know there is one popular exploit called SwitchBru that gives you access to Google with the simple small change of your DNS. The only problem is it’s only for 20 minutes. Or I saw another one being a specific DNS, and you can access any site. Post it on YouTube and send a bunch of fake followers to it, so it gets popular. Another thing I was thinking of is web-browser games designed for Steam Deck.

Steam games is doable. An Electron wrapper or similar plus the Steam SDK Integration is really all you need

But how would we test to see if the buttons work? Does anyone know someone with a Steam Deck and/or $400 lying around to buy one?

Yes, you have to test on device but in general, it should just map to a standard gamepad controls

Oh. I wouldn’t know since I’ve never tried to make games that work for a console. Another thing we could try is making games specifically for the DSI, DS, 2DS, 3DS, New DSI XL, DS Lite, New 2DS, New 2DS XL, New 3DS, and New 3DS XL. Now, “the original Nintendo DS and DS Lite require a separate ‘Nintendo DS Browser’ cartridge, while the Nintendo DSi and DSi XL have a pre-installed browser,” according to the Google AI overview. This means we have to buy a cartridge or have a DS model with a built in browser.