Is it possible to create websites based on playcanvas?

Hello all,

Just want to ask your opinion,

What do you think, is it possible to create full functional website based on playcanvas using UI tool for games, let me know what do you think :thinking:!?


Hay @Ivan_Stratiichuk! I think that’s possible yes. Maybe in combination with html and css but I think it’s also possible without.

Hi @Ivan_Stratiichuk,

It’s definitely doable, depending on your specifications and a good reason to why use this vs plain HTML/CSS.

Here is an example of a complex interface done that way (for a game):

Just to add to the pile, I think @kdarius shared a link with me recently, pretty cool concept:

It uses Three.js, but can be easily done with Playcanvas too.

Also, one of the local legends have a website :slight_smile: I believe it was made wtih Playcanvas:

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