I need good coders! Good game designers and PLEASE HELP

I am working on a cool project called Abandoned and I realized I won’t be able to do it alone, and I need to make good characters and I need good coders! I will accept teachers that can teach me JavaScript, and teachers that can teach me how to make better games. NOT PAID! Thanks, reply if you want to help!

Hi @Case_Studios and welcome,

Good luck with your game!

Try posting as much as details as possible for your project, that may inspire other people to join you or get interested to know more about it.

WOW Thanks for the tip! Your awesome! Ok will do!

Hi you may have seen my last post about jobs. It has come to my attention that there was not enough detail, so I am retrying it! So here we go. Here is a little bit about ABANDONED… The player of the game’s best friend got killed mysteriously, and the player decides to investigate his friend’s house. He finds a clue that leads him to an abandoned Warehouse. He goes there to search and he finds a VR headset. He puts the VR headset on and immediatly sees a monster staring at him only a feet away, the monster screams and the player realizes the monster is real, and the VR headset isn’t a headset at all it is an advanced piece of tech. What do you do in the game? You are investigating a murder and trying to avoid monsters. You go in different abandoned places and try and figure out what these monsters are, who killed your best friend, and where did the monsters come from. I have 20 levels already thought of. JUST NEED SOME LONG TERM HELPERS with my game! I am willing if anyone could teach me JavaScript or how to make good 3D models. Thanks! https://playcanvas.com/project/686121/overview/abandoned


i can surely help, lets talk more on this on skype - live:charles_10661 you can also reach me on charles.c@talentsfromindia.com
charles L

I would like to help, but I’m not good at coding VR on PlayCanvas (I’m not used to coding VR in general). I am also currently working on a few other projects, so I don’t think I would have enough time to balance all of them. Anyways, hope you find the person you’re looking for.

Ok. I didn’t think of it as a VR game, I more thought of it like a first person game and the camera is your character… the player uses a vr headset multiple times in game, the screen will show it like you are wearing a VR headset but it isn’t a VR game but ok. Good luck on your projects!

That sounds interesting. I can code a first person game. The VR has to be done by someone else though. I could help, since my other projects are just hobbies, not jobs. I like helping others make their game, and as a result, I learn how to be a better coder in the process, if that makes any sense.