October 11, 2019, 1:32pm
Has anyone made a fur shader in PlayCanvas? Or seen an example of a fur shader?
I’ve only been able to find this more than 3 years old topic:
Sharing a basic fur shader, only used it for a specific project, but can be modified: [image] [image]
project url: http://playcanvas.com/editor/scene/426032
1: only works on flat surface, to make it on any mesh, instead of placing a mesh higher, scale it to all sides proportionaly.
2: really slow when zoomed upclose, workswell when needed to express alot of detail from afar.
3: merged into shader chunks, so supports pbr material properties fully.
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Not a fur shader, but if you are looking at implementing batched grass-like systems @devMidgard has done a lot of work on that. He might have a pointer or two.
With @Mr_F ’s help I made it to +500k grass with playable performance!
Current grass project only generates 15k thought, no need for more to see a beautiful grass field.
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