hey im making a mario 64 bobomb battlefield but its after the battle so I want it to have toads and maybe even little missions but I need to know how to make my guy jump so I hope I can get some help with my game thanks
Hi @Lucious_Jansma,
Check this post on jumping:
Make sure to use the forum search function, there is plenty of material that can help you out.
hey when i insert the script is there anything i need to change???
You are making me have dejavu, didn’t we have this conversation today again?
ok sorry im just so confused do you think you could join my project to help me with the jump script mabye but its fine if you dont want to
I am away from my desk for tonight, but yes, add me (leonidas) and I’ll take a look tomorrow.
i did thank you thank you thank you.
and now for the hard part.
Hey @Lucious_Jansma,
I had a quick look through your project, so the issue was the jump script you had in place was empty. You create a Jump script but there was no code in the script methods.
I’ve added the following code in the update method and now jumping works:
Jump.prototype.update = function(dt) {
if (this.app.keyboard.wasPressed(pc.KEY_SPACE)) {
this.entity.rigidbody.applyImpulse(0, 1000, 0);
ohhh thank you my fault
what about the jump limit because i can jump indefinetly
You will have to enforce a rule to not allow jumping when your player is airborne. The proper way of doing this would be to do a raycast downwards for each frame and detect when your player is on the ground.
Allow jumping only when the player body touches the ground.
where do i find that?
You will have to code it, study some tutorials or example project that implement raycast on how it works.
Here are some: