Youtube Video iFrame Doesn't Quite Work

It’s super weird that the original project works but yours doesn’t. Unless Giga food video is blocked on your network and Bunny is not?

Well when I run this through the sample project the bunny works but when I copied the url to my project it did not work.

My boss had me try it with a video from Wistia because that is the end goal. The video didn’t play either, on my computer. did the same thing as the YouTube. I was hopeful haha.

Anyway, let me do some more debugging and I will post something up if I solve or need more help.

Thank you for your time and effort!

Have tried Patric’s Iframe and got the same results. Audio and controls works but screen is black. (Chrome browser)…

It probably has something to do with the way DIV is inlined. The size seems to be incorrect:

Odd, why don’t I get this issue :thinking:

I can see it perfectly

Hey everyone,

I was able to get around it. I actually just started a new project and downloaded the scripts from the example and imported to a new project. Now it works just fine.

Not sure what went wrong though. Could it possible that a bug just was cached and never removed? Idk what but maybe I had something in my cache that could be causing the error?

Let me know what you think. But ultimately it is working now.

What’s crazy weird. I’m honestly completely confused about that. It could be cache related but I can’t think how :thinking:

Glad it is working though!

Hi i understand that this has been solved but may i continue to ask as i have the same problem but i cant seem to see the youtube controls as well & my plane is just black…

Sorry i am relatively new to this, i have tried using the download script from the example but the iframe plane just shows black…

Unfortunately, in the original thread, I couldn’t reproduce the issue myself so I have no idea what the actual fix is. Does the original tutorial project for you? What are you trying to display in the iframe?

just any video would do from youtube actually im just trying out how to run an iframe in my project

if i copy my link here would you be able to see it? because i do not know if its an error in the script on my end
but the youtube has audio playing

Hi @Eugene_Ooi.
Feel free to share your project, but perhaps do so in another thread, as this thread that we are discussing in at the moment is not yours.

If you choose to share your project, please make sure it’s:

  • a Editor project and not an exported project
  • a public project and not a private project