Why does this code appear twice? [Multiplayer Template]

I made my own demo by following the multiplayer game template of the tutorial. When I recalled the script, I found that this code appeared twice in the example, and it did not cause any obvious exception after commenting it out. What is the purpose of this code?@yaustar

var server = require('http').createServer();
var options = {
  cors: true

var io = require('socket.io')(server, options);
var players = {};

function Player (id) {
    this.id = id;
    this.x = 0;
    this.y = 0;
    this.z = 0;
    this.entity = null;

io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket) {
    socket.on ('initialize', function () {
        var id = socket.id;
        var newPlayer = new Player (id);
        // Creates a new player object with a unique ID number.

        players[id] = newPlayer;
        // Adds the newly created player to the array.

        socket.emit ('playerData', {id: id, players: players});
        // Sends the connecting client his unique ID, and data about the other players already connected.

        socket.broadcast.emit ('playerJoined', newPlayer);
        // Sends everyone except the connecting player data about the new player.
        socket.on ('initialize', function () {
            var id = socket.id;
            var newPlayer = new Player (id);
            players[id] = newPlayer;

            socket.emit ('playerData', {id: id, players: players});
            socket.broadcast.emit ('playerJoined', newPlayer);

        socket.on ('positionUpdate', function (data) {
                if(!players[data.id]) return;
                players[data.id].x = data.x;
                players[data.id].y = data.y;
                players[data.id].z = data.z;

            socket.broadcast.emit ('playerMoved', data);

            if(!players[socket.id]) return;
            delete players[socket.id];
            // Update clients with the new player killed 

console.log ('Server started');

That’s a good question, I didn’t write the original tutorial :sweat_smile:

@OmarShehata Are you still around? :slight_smile:

Please correct me if I’m wrong @yaustar and @OmarShehata, but I believe the first init function is to initialize the player, i.e you, while the second init function is to initialize the other players in the same lobby (note this line - socket.broadcast.emit ('playerJoined', newPlayer);)

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