Who can beat me in flappy bird?

I want to see who has a good score in flappy bird because I have 39 :smiley:

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this is way to laggy for me to play on the ripoff site lol | Edit: for some reason, it has been getting less and less laggy the more I play.

Odd, it should run fine on an iPad :thinking:

I am on iPad lol, but if u meant that sentence to be saying that’s weird it should work, then yea it is pretty weird but my high score (laggy) was 3

1 point off :frowning:

Wow. How did you do that? My highest score here is only 3! :sweat_smile:

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trial and error and i was playing during class since school takes a huge chunk of my day

My trial and error below. :sweat_smile:


you were doing good at the end

Pure luck. :laughing: I never gonna beat you in this game and I think you are the best of the world.

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I’m not gonna be the best in the world any time soon (0% close) but thanks for the compliment

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taken me 2 hours :sweat_smile:

