What is the purpose of the "preload" for a folder of assets?

In the editor, there’s is a checkbox for each folder in the assets.

The thing is, if I check or uncheck this parameter, I don’t see the assets inside that folder changing to preload or not.
Plus, when we export/publish the project, each assets go to a specific folder named from the ID of that asset and are not affected by the setting of that folder, only present in the editor for organization.

So, what is the purpose of this checkbox?


Hi @Mystik,

I think the preload setting on a folder doesn’t do anything at the moment, it would be could to have that disabled or hidden. Or potentially add a new use case to have it update the preload property of all assets included in that folder. Would you care to submit an issue about it on the editor repo?

When the project is being published the folder hierarchy isn’t retained, but it changes to use a folder per asset.

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Would you care to submit an issue about it on the editor repo?

Yes I will!

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