What happens if I finish a game?

If I finish my game, am I able to publish it as a windows, mac, or linux download, or put it on steam, or can it only be played via playcanvas when im done? i want to put it on steam and a browser based version.

You can download the build and wrap it into a native executable like Electron. This basically puts the build into a webview in a native program.

You will have to do some extra work to get it on Steam as they require some extra work IIRC (something about SteamWorks) but it is doable.

thank you! i wanted to know bc if it was only playable via the playcanvas website, that would be unfortunate. when it is all published and on the web, will people still be able to fork it without permission? also, what does webview mean?

If you are talking about the PlayCanvas fork feature, a user can only fork a project if the project is public or they have at least read permissions on a private project.

You can download a build of the PlayCanvas app and host it anywhere you like. It doesn’t have to be on PlayCanvas servers.

Bear in mind that anyone can rip/download the game once hosted on a server, just like any content on the web.

Webview is basically showing a browser view.