What does this warning mean? arraybuffer being served with Content-Type:undefined

WARNING: responseType: arraybuffer being served with Content-Type: image/vnd-ms.dds


WARNING: responseType: arraybuffer being served with Content-Type: undefined playcanvas-stable.min.js:37:554

I get these warnings in the console depending on the server on which the site is uploaded.
Does not seem to affect the site but I am curious about what it means.

PlayCanvas expects the content type image/dds, but your web server is setting image/vnd-ms.dds or none at all.

Here is the list which content types a web server should set:

To fix your web server, you can go to C:\xampp\apache\conf\mime.types and add this line:

image/dds dds

Or maybe your mime.types file already has the line image/vnd-ms.dds dds, then you need to fix that one.


Thanks and this came just in time. This resolved the issue.