Weird issues with the curve attribute in Editor

I found a very weired issue, if only one motion, it works. then I add an other motion(name), the first motion would not work.

And debug console.log the motion & curve(position) value, they became to undefined:


But when I changed the curve position value a little bit(any data), (such as from 3 to 3.1)

Then run project again, the motion(position) works again. pls find the following console.log capture,

If I deleted the second motion(name), it happens again.

I can’t reproduce it in a blank project. Can you make an example project that shows the issue?

Yes, the following is the example project.


What are the steps to reproduce it in the project you gave?

The first step, you can see the motion script in the “box” entity, it has only 1 attribute object.
Launch the project and click “play”/“stop”, the motion runs correctly.

Second step, add one more attribute object, then the motion can’t be played.

And debug console.log the motion & curve(position) value, they became to undefined:


But when I changed the curve position value a little bit(any number), (such as from 3 to 3.1)

the motion(position) works again. pls find the following console.log capture,
pls find the following console.log capture,

If I deleted the second motion attributes, it happens again.

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Thank you for the step-by-step guide. I was able to reproduce it. Its definitely a bug and I created a ticket to track it:

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Thank you for the kindly help. Hope the bug will be solved soon. :sweat_smile: