WebXR Samples broken

All WebXR Samples suddenly seem to be broken.
Console error:

TypeError: e.getDepthInformation is not a function
    at t.i.update (playcanvas-stable.min.js:6)
    at t.i.update (playcanvas-stable.min.js:6)
    at Object.callback (playcanvas-stable.min.js:6)
    at XRSession$1.<computed>.onDeviceFrame (<anonymous>:1281:42)


Does anyone have more information about this issue?

Similiar error from Android remote debugging:

playcanvas-stable.js:40092 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'getDepthInformation' on 'XRFrame': Depth sensing feature is not supported by the session.
    at XrDepthSensing.update (https://code.playcanvas.com/playcanvas-stable.js:40092:29)
    at XrManager.update (https://code.playcanvas.com/playcanvas-stable.js:40472:56)
    at XRSession.<anonymous> (https://code.playcanvas.com/playcanvas-stable.js:67813:20)

Paging @max

Can you please post which version of Chrome that you are using?

Chrome just released an update, with breaking changes to Depth Sensing API.
PR with fixes is in the works.


Just to cross check, which PR is this and I get that prioritised for the next release? This one? https://github.com/playcanvas/engine/pull/2947

Thanks for the quick update on this.

Iā€™m using Chrome 90.0.4430.66 on Android
and 90.0.4430.85 on Desktop with WebXR Device Emulator Plugin.

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