WebXR: Plane Detection collision


I am trying to add collision to the planes from the WebXR: Plane Detection example, however i am unsure how to implement it. I have tried using the “Tutorial: Terrain from Heightmap” example but I still can’t get it to work. When the plane first gets created it looks like the collision is correct, but when the mesh updates the collision does not.

Below is the plane.js script from the WebXR: Plane Detection example with modifications that I have added which is supposed to give the planes collision. Does anyone have any idea what I could be doing wrong or what direction I should move towards to implement this feature. (code i have added has “// added code” as comment)

Regards, Timmy

var Plane = pc.createScript('plane');

Plane.prototype.initialize = function() {
    this.vec3A = new pc.Vec3();
    this.vec3B = new pc.Vec3();
    this.color = new pc.Color(1, 1, 1);
    // Added code
    this.entity.addComponent('collision', {
        type: 'mesh',

    this.entity.addComponent('rigidbody', {
        type: 'kinematic'
    // end of added code

    // create blank mesh for plane
    this.mesh = new pc.Mesh(this.app.graphicsDevice);
    this.mesh.setPositions([ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]);
    this.mesh.setUvs(0, [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]);
    this.mesh.setIndices([ 0, 0, 0 ]);
    // get material from render component
    let materialAssetId = this.entity.render.materialAssets[0];
    let material = this.app.assets.get(materialAssetId).resource;
    // create new mesh instance
    this.meshInstance = new pc.MeshInstance(this.mesh, material);
    this.entity.render.meshInstances = [ this.meshInstance ];
    if (this.plane) this.updateMesh();

Plane.prototype.setPlane = function(plane) {
    this.plane = plane;
    this.plane.on('change', () => {
    this.plane.once('remove', () => {
    if (this.mesh) this.updateMesh();

Plane.prototype.updateMesh = function() {
    this.mesh.clear(true, false);
    if (this.plane) {
        let positions = [ ];
        let indices = [ ];
        let uvs = [ ];
        // center point
        positions.push(0); // x
        positions.push(0); // y
        positions.push(0); // z
        uvs.push(0); // u
        uvs.push(0); // v
        const points = this.plane._xrPlane.polygon;
        for(let i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
            positions.push(points[i].x); // x
            positions.push(points[i].y); // y
            positions.push(points[i].z); // z
            uvs.push(points[i].x); // u
            uvs.push(points[i].z); // v
        for(let i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
            indices.push(0); // center
            indices.push(i + 1); // first
            indices.push(((i + 1) % points.length) + 1); // second
        this.mesh.setUvs(0, uvs);
            // added code
        // end of added code
        this.entity.render.enabled = true;
    } else {
        this.entity.render.enabled = false;

Plane.prototype.update = function(dt) {
    if (this.plane) {

//added function
Plane.prototype.createCollision = function () {
    var node = new pc.GraphNode();
    var meshInstance = new pc.MeshInstance(this.mesh, this.app.assets.get(this.entity.render.materialAssets[0]).resource,node);
    var collisionModel = new pc.Model();
    collisionModel.graph = node;
    this.entity.collision.model = collisionModel;

Hi @Timmy770,

If you are talking about physics based collision, I think that your code is mostly correct.

What may be wrong is after updating the collision model with the terrain generated one, the rigid body component I think may not update automatically.

Can you try forcing an update by toggling on/off on your createCollision method? Like this:

this.entity.collision.model = collisionModel;
this.entity.rigidbody.enabled = false;
this.entity.rigidbody.enabled = true;

If you keep having issues try sharing an example project to take a look.

That did not work. However, if I make the mesh a new pc.Mesh it does work. I can’t believe this is an efficient solution, I will probably need to read through the documentation a bit more to understand how all this work.

Plane.prototype.updateMesh = function() {
    // added code that makes it work
    `this.mesh = new pc.Mesh(this.app.graphicsDevice);`
   ` this.meshInstance.mesh = this.mesh;`
    // end of added
    this.mesh.clear(true, false);
    if (this.plane) {
        let positions = [ ];
        let indices = [ ];
        let uvs = [ ];
        // center point
        positions.push(0); // x
        positions.push(0); // y
        positions.push(0); // z
        uvs.push(0); // u
        uvs.push(0); // v
        const points = this.plane._xrPlane.polygon;
        for(let i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
            positions.push(points[i].x); // x
            positions.push(points[i].y); // y
            positions.push(points[i].z); // z
            uvs.push(points[i].x); // u
            uvs.push(points[i].z); // v
        for(let i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
            indices.push(0); // center
            indices.push(i + 1); // first
            indices.push(((i + 1) % points.length) + 1); // second
        this.mesh.setUvs(0, uvs);
            // added code
        // end of added code
        this.entity.render.enabled = true;
    } else {
        this.entity.render.enabled = false;