WebVR Lab launches with Chrome 56 for Daydream

Today weโ€™re excited to launch the WebVR Lab, a living project built by the PlayCanvas team to help developers learn about creating scalable and responsive WebVR applications for all devices. :tada:

Read more about it on our blog: https://blog.playcanvas.com/webvr-lab-launch/

We have also been featured on the Chrome blog announcement of the Chrome 56 release for Daydream :smiley: !

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Few years later, WebVR have been evolved into WebXR APIs.
So now WebXR VR Lab is updated, to use latest APIs and few extra features: load you actual controller models, or default one if not available.

Project link: https://playcanvas.com/project/446331/overview/webxr-vr-lab
Published build: https://playcanv.as/p/sAsiDvtC/