Visual Studio Code Extension for PlayCanvas

Great! not sure about Cloud Front addresses though.

Not so sure about this solution anymore. I’ve deactivated the proxy now and I still get problems saving the files from now on. Have to restart VS code and add the project again to resolve. Bugger, Really want this to work.

Noone else experiencing this?

have you updated to v0.1.9? do you have the same project opened in a browser? btw, the extension is open sourced, you may find it here - GitHub - playcanvas/vscode-extension, it’s actually really easy to debug - just clone it and hit F5 in vscode. If you send me extension logs (check them in Output panel, ‘Extension Host’), I may try to help here.


I’m on v0.1.91 of the extension now.

I’d quite odd now, I no longer get any error messages while pulling, adding project or saving files. But the files do not get updated either. It’s like what I see on the web is a completely different file than what’s saved via VS Code. VS code version saves fine, and stay through restart loops and new pulls of the project, but those changes never get’s pushed to project.

If I change the file via the web editor, then use Pull latests. Those changes does not come through either. However, no error msgs are shows.

Are you on the right branch for both the PlayCanvas Editor and VS Code extension?

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Well that’s a good thought. Perhaps I’m not!

I’ve tried the Switch branch command but nothing happens. No error msgs, no dialog appears.

Edit. If I use the context menu instead of CTRL+SHIFT+P, the dialog with branches does appear! Seems to be working now when I’ve confirmed I’m on the same branch, thanks for spotting that mistake!

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@yak32 FYI

Thank you for feedback! Yeah, Pull Latest and Switch Branch both need currently selected project, which is only possible in context menu. I am hiding these commands from Command Palette.

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