Vehicle Physics for motorcycle

Hi, everyone.
I’m spending a good time using a pc.
I make a motorcycle project using vehicle physics + ammo.js.
But, I have a little problem.

The motorcycle lies down as shown in the picture.
I forked the tutorials project and edited something.

This is my project.
Overview | Dashboard | vehicle_example2 | PlayCanvas | 3D HTML5 & WebGL Game Engine

What should I fix?

I fixed this problem.
Change value: Rigidbody-> Angular Factor (0, 1, 0)
But motorcycle don’t go… help

Hi @Hizard and welcome! You probably need to find the right value between 0 and 1 for every axis. (0 means no movement and 1 means full movement).

Thank you, your comment.
I fixed another promblem too.

Original Code:

// Apply steering to the front wheels
    vehicle.setSteeringValue(this.steering, 0);
    vehicle.setSteeringValue(this.steering, 1);

    // Apply engine and braking force to the back wheels
    vehicle.applyEngineForce(this.engineForce, 2);
    vehicle.setBrake(this.brakingForce, 2);
    vehicle.applyEngineForce(this.engineForce, 3);
    vehicle.setBrake(this.brakingForce, 3);

Change Like this:

  // Apply steering to the front wheels
    vehicle.setSteeringValue(this.steering, 0);
    vehicle.setBrake(this.brakingForce, 0);
    // Apply engine and braking force to the back wheels
    vehicle.applyEngineForce(this.engineForce, 1);
    vehicle.setBrake(this.brakingForce, 1);