Universo MMOOMM - explore space and parallel worlds, unite and transfer your achievements to the real world

Saluton, Hello!

We are creating Universo Platformo / Universo MMOOMM the most complex project on PlayCanvas, now we are doing it as a public effort under the Omsk Open License and we invite you to join our work in any way you think possible. We will be glad to hear your advice.

After you read the description, you will want to ask: “Eee, But why PlayCanvas, damn it, even Unreal Engine will not be enough here”. This will be described in detail later in our documentation, but now if we speak briefly then: the implementation on PlayCanvas is not the only one, the project will be implemented on a different technology stack, different game engines and other technologies will be used.

We explored a different technology stack, created MVP on some engines and realized that now first of all we need to focus on the implementation based on PlayCanvas. This is due to the modern capabilities of JavaScript, due to our capabilities and our desire to reach the maximum audience of people, many of whom do not have gaming computers and powerful smartphones.

This is how it looked on Godot, now on PlayCanvas we do it even better.

Basic information

We are creating Universo Platformo / Universo MMOOMM, in order to launch a global teknokomization and save humanity from final enslavement and complete destruction by creating special mass multi-user virtual worlds, such as Universo MMOOMM, and a platform for their creation - Universo Platformo, initially with gaming functionality, and then with the addition of the Universo Kiberplano (Cyberplan) functionality.

Any, even the most complex idea, if you understand it well, can be described briefly and in simple words. We already understand our idea very well, so here is a short description:

We are creating Universo MMOOMM, which will initially implement a space MMORPG, like EVE Online and Star Citizen, in which there will be various parallel worlds with different economies, including a more socialist and more capitalist one, then the functionality will be developed in Universo Platformo, in which it will be possible to create various game projects and separate metauniverses, in which digital twins of industries and entire cities will be created, after which, with the help of our robots, this can be transferred to the real world, carrying out a global renovation of the entire world based on our International Plan.

Additional Information

Where am I and what should I do?

The near future, Omsk is the capital of the world, in the Olympus-1 tower, scientists explain to you that it is possible to connect your consciousness to a robot in another part of the Universe, in a parallel reality, controlled by robots we call Robocubans, through the recently discovered Great Ring system.

A flash, a clouding of consciousness. Gradually, you come to your senses, feeling a new world far from Earth through your robot avatar. Through this robot avatar, you will be able to control your first spaceship, which is made in the cubic style beloved by robots, and conduct various activities in this new world.

Develop the capabilities of your robot avatar and make it more human or a giant robot destroyer. Buy or independently create new spaceships and space stations of completely different classes and styles at shipyards. Extract resources, buy and sell any goods or unique dangerous relics.

Interact with other people from Earth or several alien races and factions. You can join an existing organization, create a new organization or even your own empire. Lead a peaceful life or fight every day. Skill development, many missions, unexpected events - in Universo MMOOMM it is never boring.

Kubio is a parallel world controlled by robots, this is only the central connecting world, from it you can move through the Stargate to other parallel worlds. One gate leads to Konkordo, where the socio-economic interaction is more socialist. The second gate leads to Triumfo, where the socio-economic interaction is mainly capitalist. This economic feature is characteristic of those races that are in the part of space that is closest to the Interworld Stargate in these parallel worlds. The further from these areas of space, the greater the differences in the socio-economic structure.

But this is not only a space multiplayer strategy. Later, you will be able to get to planetary locations and other parts of several parallel worlds, including those described in the metaproject “Omsk - the capital of the world”. The development of automation and robotization mechanics of production is planned to be brought to the point of withdrawal from the virtual world to the real one and offer this automation to enterprises and people within the framework of the Cyberplan format, so that digital twins of production and entire cities can be created right in the game, and then, with the help of our robots, transfer all this to the real world.

Well, how do you like it? Do you feel that Universo MMOOMM is the best and most significant project of our time and the near future? Do you want to join us? :grinning: Soon you will be able to click the “To the Future” button and robots will show you the way. And now the project is in development and you can join our work, support us with your work and financially.

:rocket: Release 0.1.0 Pre-Alpha — 2025-01-12 (Young Bolshevik)

We are thrilled to present our first release, 0.1.0 Pre-Alpha — 2025-01-12 (Young Bolshevik), marking the beginning of an exciting journey towards the creation of Universo MMOOMM and Universo Platformo. This release lays the foundation for the project, providing basic structure and functionality for further development.

Attention! The functionality is in development, not playable yet.

:key: Key Features of the Release:

  • Project Initialization: The project was created using the PlayCanvas editor as a base for future development.
  • Scene Development: The “Space” scene was designed with key elements such as the Vostok spaceship, the Espero space station, and test asteroids, while the “Start” scene includes the login screen.
  • Customized Loading Screen: A unique loading screen was implemented to enhance the user experience.
  • Physics Engine Integration: The ammo.js physics engine has been integrated for further realistic physics simulation.
  • Skybox Design: A colorful space-themed Skybox creates an immersive environment.
  • Spaceship Control: A test third-person control system for the spaceship was implemented.

:bulb: Next Steps:

We are continuously improving the platform by adding new features, enhancing visuals, and creating a more engaging gameplay experience. In the future, we plan to develop Universo Kiberplano (Cyberplan) — a tool for creating digital twins of enterprises and cities, which can then be transferred to the real world with the help of our robots.

:sparkles: Inspiration:

Our wonderful project, which will help create global technocomization and save humanity from final enslavement and total destruction, looked like this in this release, but we have already moved on:

What is Omsk Open License and why would anyone want to contribute under it?

Hello. In short, this is a “thicker” license based on MIT. The current text will be posted in the repository in a while.

We want to work under this license because it meets our goals, if someone like us also wants to work under this license, then please.

Also, the architecture we are implementing assumes modularity based on apps, in fact, the entire project, all functionality, consists of separate apps. In this architecture, any functionality can be isolated into a separate app and can be licensed under any license that the developers of this app like.