Saluton, Hello!
We are creating Universo Platformo / Universo MMOOMM the most complex project on PlayCanvas, now we are doing it as a public effort under the Omsk Open License and we invite you to join our work in any way you think possible. We will be glad to hear your advice.
After you read the description, you will want to ask: “Eee, But why PlayCanvas, damn it, even Unreal Engine will not be enough here”. This will be described in detail later in our documentation, but now if we speak briefly then: the implementation on PlayCanvas is not the only one, the project will be implemented on a different technology stack, different game engines and other technologies will be used.
We explored a different technology stack, created MVP on some engines and realized that now first of all we need to focus on the implementation based on PlayCanvas. This is due to the modern capabilities of JavaScript, due to our capabilities and our desire to reach the maximum audience of people, many of whom do not have gaming computers and powerful smartphones.
This is how it looked on Godot, now on PlayCanvas we do it even better.
Basic information
We are creating Universo Platformo / Universo MMOOMM, in order to launch a global teknokomization and save humanity from final enslavement and complete destruction by creating special mass multi-user virtual worlds, such as Universo MMOOMM, and a platform for their creation - Universo Platformo, initially with gaming functionality, and then with the addition of the Universo Kiberplano (Cyberplan) functionality.
Any, even the most complex idea, if you understand it well, can be described briefly and in simple words. We already understand our idea very well, so here is a short description:
We are creating Universo MMOOMM, which will initially implement a space MMORPG, like EVE Online and Star Citizen, in which there will be various parallel worlds with different economies, including a more socialist and more capitalist one, then the functionality will be developed in Universo Platformo, in which it will be possible to create various game projects and separate metauniverses, in which digital twins of industries and entire cities will be created, after which, with the help of our robots, this can be transferred to the real world, carrying out a global renovation of the entire world based on our International Plan.
Additional Information
- Learn more on GitHub: GitHub - teknokomo/universo-platformo-nebulo: Implementation of Universo Platformo / Universo MMOOMM built on PlayCanvas and related stack
- Explore the project on PlayCanvas: PlayCanvas 3D HTML5 Game Engine
- Support us on Boosty (needs translation):
- Explore the information on our website (needs refactoring)