I recently made a UFO model and animations, and I modeled the inside (on the glass I used no faces for the material so it renders both sides) And I was wondering if theres a way to make the player or any dynamic entity get “lifted” up when they step into the light? (Light with a collision component to detect when a dynamic entity enters the collision)
Then maybe add a collision on the bottom glass and a simple teleport to teleport the entities up by y 4 or so?
if you’re wondering what the inside looks like, or it fully rendered with HDR bloom in launch see the videos here:
(view from outside (under))
Whats the best way to do it? I want all the creatures in the collision to move upwards too, but idk the best way. (checking for collision enter every frame is a little extensive, so I mean whats a good optomized way as well, since I have around 30 in the scene) (my laptop is about to die so I’ll be back when it’s charged)
I would give them a trigger entity and apply an upwards force to the entities that enter the trigger. You can detect on both entities if the trigger is entered, so it depends on your logic what is the best way of coding.
I think you can just use this code (I got this from the collision and triggers page)
Collider.prototype.onCollisionStart = function (result) {
if (result.other.rigidbody){
result.rigidbody.applyForce(0,upwards force,0)
This is missing a way to filter dynamic rigid bodies, I don’t have the code on hand, but I am 99% certain there is an API for this. @Albertos might know.
I could access the entities rigidbody via entering the collision component then see if it is static kenimatic or dynamic, then apply the force, and add the telelport collisions or something alike… I think this should work, if I have issues I’ll keep the chat posted.