Tweening effects for Play Button

How Can I use hover effects or scaleUp effects while touching play button using tween .I have used following code to scaleUp using manual method .I want to do the same using tween .

var GameStart = pc.createScript('gameStart');

GameStart.prototype.initialize = function () {

  this.button = this.entity;
  this.button.element.on('mousedown', this.onButtonDown, this);
  this.button.element.on('mouseup', this.onButtonUp, this);


GameStart.prototype.onButtonDown = function (event) {
  var GSUI ="gst");
  setTimeout(function () {
    GSUI[0].enabled = false;
  }, 350);


GameStart.prototype.onButtonUp = function (event) {
  var GAME ="game");
  setTimeout(function () {
    GAME[0].enabled = true;
  }, 350);


GameStart.prototype.scaleButton = function (scale) {
  this.button.setLocalScale(scale, scale, scale);

What have you tried so far with the tween library? Can you post your test project here?