Trigo Run on the Featured Page

I would like my game trigo run to be on the featured page, simple enough, it’s completed enough for it to look like a finished game, 9 levels, multiplayer, chat, Good UI, playground levels, cosmetics, and more
it would be a great way to spice the featured page up a bit
heres the link

i would love for this to happen so pls :slight_smile:

We haven’t updated the featured page for a while now. When we do, we will see what’s out there that people are willing to share and decide based on a quality benchmark

do you have a timeframe on when you might update it because trigo run needs to be up there":slight_smile:

do you have a timeframe for when this is going to be updated i want trigo run up there as soon as possible

Please wait patiently and do not post the same post(s) multiple times @Deadshot1m24.

Im afraid I do not have a timeframe, no