TextElement Outline Appears Darker in Engine v2


As the title mentions, the outline color appears darker in the v2 engine.
In the test case, both “color” and “outline color” are #9E0505, with the only difference being the alpha (color does not support alpha). In v1, they look the same. However, in v2, the outline appears darker:

I can’t repro. In my case both outline and color look the same in v2. Can you create a simple repro project to look at?

My repro is PlayCanvas Examples

and these colors for the // Text with outline section

color: new pc.Color(0.6, 0, 0),
outlineColor: new pc.Color(0.6, 0, 0),

I’m investigating this at the moment. Gamma vs linear space issue.

I have a fix here, we’ll try to release it soon, hopefully this week: Fix to msdf chunk to handle gamma space correctly by mvaligursky · Pull Request #7325 · playcanvas/engine · GitHub

Thanks for the report @Ijon_h , that was helpful.


Hi @mvaligursky , thank you for the prompt reply and fix. Looking forward to the release!

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