Tasks required on project today, paid


I am looking for some help with a project I am making - and need someone to help out today.

The main task I need help with:

  • I have UI buttons that progress users to the next scene. When these are clicked I want the scene to fade to black and for the next scene to fade in - perhaps with a DIV overlay or with a plane. I also want all of the sound for the current scene to fade out and for the sound in the new scene to fade in.

  • I am having trouble clearing a few of the scripts from scene to scene, i.e. with bloom and light baking. I need help to make sure things are being cleared and loaded properly as I feel that this isn’t happening.

Can anyone help me with this?

Thank you.

Personally, I would have all the ‘scenes’ you mention in the same PlayCanvas scene. Something like this:

Then, you simply enable/disable the entities ‘Scene 1/2/3’ to show/hide them.

As you say, you could simply use a quad drawn in from of the camera to fade in/out the scene. Just ramp up/down the transparency of the quad’s material.

So, you’d do:

  1. Fade down.
  2. this.app.root.findByName('Scene 1').enabled = false;
  3. this.app.root.findByName('Scene 2').enabled = true;
  4. Fade up.

Fading overall volume can be done with:


This affects all sound component playback.