Switch the cameras

Hi, I have two cameras. One for the player, and other orbital for a general view of the project.
I need change one for the other when I press a button.

I saw that tutorial:

And this is a part of my code, the script is attatched on the root:

The initial values:

    var camMode = 0;
    this.activeCamera = this.orbitalCamera; 

When you press the button:

            if(camMode === 0){
                camMode = 1;
                this.activeCamera.enabled = false;
                this.activeCamera = this.normalCamera; 
                this.activeCamera.enabled = true;         
            else if(camMode === 1){
                camMode = 0;
                this.activeCamera.enabled = false;
                this.activeCamera = this.orbitalCamera;
                this.activeCamera.enabled = true;

And this is the error when i press the button:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property ‘enabled’ of undefined


Can you share your project please? At a guess, either this.orbitalCamera or this.normalCamera hasn’t been assigned yet.