[SOLVED] Why the gizmo can "scale" when camera move far away?

Why the gizmo can implement this effect ? And How Can I implement it ?

This is the relevant code from the Editor which does the gizmo scaling:

// scale to screen space
if (camera.camera.projection === pc.PROJECTION_PERSPECTIVE) {
    var dot = vecA.copy(posGizmo).sub(posCamera).dot(camera.forward);
    var denom = 1280 / (2 * Math.tan(camera.camera.fov * pc.math.DEG_TO_RAD / 2));
    scale = Math.max(0.0001, (dot / denom) * 150) * GIZMO_SIZE;
} else {
    scale = camera.camera.orthoHeight / 3 * GIZMO_SIZE;
gizmo.setLocalScale(scale, scale, scale);

You should be able to do something similar to this.


Oh I see, thank you, vaios! :smile: