[SOLVED] Why can't select anything in the editor!

What ever I use asset replace, or select entity, select asset, the all interface would be dark gray, can’t select anything, but I can only drag the entity or the asset an drop to the input form.
I restart the editor, Chrome & even use the Edge, but the same problem.

Yes noticed this today. Can we please get a fixed rolled out ASAP. Thanks

Currently being looked at by the team settings.deviceTypes[0]: should be a string - #6 by MLB

For the short term, drag the asset/entity etc to the inspector property

Thanks, Yaustar!
BTW, just found, Where is your playcanvas team badge by your profile pic? :sweat_smile:

This also affects the Entity Material selection screen, which is grayed out. This prevents us from overriding materials on entities.

Entity Materials

A workaround for now is to go into the inspector and remove the node ui-overlay picker-node and its children.


This is now fixed by the PlayCanvas team in the Editor

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