[SOLVED] Tweening and scope for this.app.fire on complete


I am getting an error when using tween in a script where the.app.fire is undefined (see below), I can access it in the initialize method, is this a scoping issue? The tween is working as expected and hitting the complete method. Thanks for any help.


Tween code:

        .to(new pc.Vec3(this.entity.getLocalPosition().x, this.entity.getLocalPosition().y, -0.007), 2.0, pc.SineOut)
        .on('complete', function () {
            this.inPosition = true;
            this.moving = false;

Error (Stack trace):
[ball.js?id=8286523:36]: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘fire’ of undefined

TypeError: Cannot read property ‘fire’ of undefined
at Tween. (launch.playcanvas.com/api/assets/files/scripts/ball.js?id=8286523:36:21)
at Tween.fire (code.playcanvas.com/playcanvas-stable.dbg.js:608:18)
at Tween.update (launch.playcanvas.com/api/assets/files/scripts/tween.js?id=8286295:405:26)
at TweenManager.update (launch.playcanvas.com/api/assets/files/scripts/tween.js?id=8286295:24:37)
at Application. (launch.playcanvas.com/api/assets/files/scripts/tween.js?id=8286295:672:39)
at Application.fire (code.playcanvas.com/playcanvas-stable.dbg.js:608:18)
at Application.update (code.playcanvas.com/playcanvas-stable.dbg.js:19544:10)
at code.playcanvas.com/playcanvas-stable.dbg.js:19879:11

Maybe this is related to javascript’s dynamically binding this. You can simply assign self to this, and use self instead of this in the function.

var self = this;
    .to(new pc.Vec3(this.entity.getLocalPosition().x, this.entity.getLocalPosition().y, -0.007), 2.0, pc.SineOut)
    .on('complete', function () {
        self.inPosition = true;
        self.moving = false;

or use arrow function instead of normal function:

    .on('complete', () => {
        this.inPosition = true;
        this.moving = false;
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I’d use the former since arrow functions aren’t supported in IE11.

Thanks Will, that did the trick

Adding to this, be sure to pass the callback scope through your listeners.

this.app.on(“input:showAnswer”, this.onShowAnswer, this);

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I’m using pc.app.fire in those kinds of functions.
They clearly resolve the same way - is one more efficient / correct ?

I guess technically there could be more than one app on a page, so this.app ensures that it’s the one that created the entity.