[SOLVED] Strategy for Fruit Slicer-Like Swipe Detection

I’m currently prototyping a fruit-slicer-like game.
I’m only planning to integrate a simple hit / no-hit mechanic (no direction of cut / custom cut).
What would be a simple strategy to detect this “swipe over / through” on 3d-Objects ?
I can remember an old babylon.js example, where an actual line was created and then checked for collision, but maybe there is a simpler way.

As always, thanks for your help.

Hi @Rechi,

So, if you don’t want to go all the way creating custom line meshes you can use a raycast.

If the game is taking place on the XY plane, then convert your touch input in world points at the same Z distance from the camera as the fruit objects and do a raycast from start to end, or for better accuracy multiple ones that follow the touch gesture.

You can check that way if there was a hit with an object.

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Thanks Leonidas, that makes sense.
Just out of curiosity - If I would create a custom line mesh, how would I then detect the collision, some Frame Buffer Magic?

So if you’ve built a custom mesh, each line segment could be potentially a separate mesh instance and instead of raycasts, you could use the bounding box for checking intersections.

I am not saying that’s better, I think I would still use raycasts in that case as well.

Assuming 2D, you could do a simple line to circle/box intersection check which would be cheaper and not need the Ammo physics system.


It’s also easy to setup pc.BoundingBox instances for your fruit objects and use their raycast method, to fully avoid using Ammo.

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Thanks guys.
The 2d version also makes a lot of sense (reminds me of my old flash-stuff).
I will check If I need Ammo for the basic-gameplay, and then will see which of your workflows works best for me. Thanks again for your time!

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