[SOLVED] Spine animations no longer displaying

Hi guys, we use a lot of spine animations across various projects and suddenly today they (across projects) have all stopped displaying.

What’s strange is using an older version of the engine (via url args) doesn’t seem to fix it. Nor does downloading the project and running locally

Not sure if anyone else is experiencing the same issue?

I found a potential example project from another user
This isn’t displaying for me either

Thanks for any help on this one!

We have the same problem with all our projects. They were working fine last week both in the editor and as exported builds. According to playcanvas-stable.min.js, the engine version was v1.47.2 revision b336e2bc9

Confirmed. Ticked raised: https://github.com/playcanvas/playcanvas-spine/issues/53

Can you use engine version 1.47.2 using the method Using a Custom Engine | Learn PlayCanvas

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use_local_engine=https://code.playcanvas.com/playcanvas-1.47.2.js work.
1.48.0 & 1.48.1 have the same issue as the latest version

The fix is here: https://github.com/playcanvas/playcanvas-spine/pull/54

please grab the updated files here and upload them to your project: https://github.com/playcanvas/playcanvas-spine/tree/master/build

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I’ve updated the example projects as well:


It work. Thanks

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3.8 is not work

Looks fine to me: https://launch.playcanvas.com/1128118?debug=true

What doesn’t work for you?

Also please make sure that you are using the latest runtimes from the build folder on the repo: https://github.com/playcanvas/playcanvas-spine