[SOLVED] Request help with reconnecting Photon

Hey friends, knee deep in my first big exploration into Playcanvas and learning the hard lesson about the importance of checkpoints. I had a working demo with photon multiplayer and made a few minor updates and think I accidently deleted something important. All I get now is a not connected error message and it loads into my primary scene, not my title screen/lobby. Multplayer was a major feature I needed so I’ll be appreciate of any suggestions.

I have a a published demo from Thursday that would be a great option to pick back up from but I don’t have any checkpoints in the editor. So i think i’m left to manually figure out my problem and can’t figure what else to check.

Take a look: PlayCanvas 3D HTML5 Game Engine

Thanks anyone

Hi @BeardsAndBacon and welcome!

I just tried your project and everything seems to work fine for me.

Can you show the error maybe?

ha wow, its actually working again. It initially was showing me a ‘Not Connected’ in the debug when I was launching through the editor but I’ve continued to work on it this morning. I just re-pubslished it to send you a screenshot and no errors now. We’re all good!

I got to throw in real quick, not only do I appreciate your quick response on the weekend but there’s such a goldmine of tips and tricks and projects all over these forums. I went to zero to a workable demo in a months time. Thanks for all that you do to make this a better place. Thanks Albertos!

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