[SOLVED] PlayCanvas Merge Keeps Timing Out

Unfortunately, this is seemingly impossible to replicate on a new project due to it likely being an issue with the size of the merge (though I am up to suggestions on how I could do that). That being said, whenever I try to merge master into my PlayCanvas branch, or vice versa, the merge process goes as expected until the final step upon pressing “Complete Merge”. After thinking for a bit, the merge fails, and I am forced to quit the merge. On top of that, it corrupts the branch I’m merging into and deletes all of the scenes, and I need to revert to the previous checkpoint.

The error in the console log is this:

I understand this isn’t too much information, unfortunately, I cannot share a link to the project this is happening in. Any idea how I could make this merge happen?


could you try to create checkpoints manually before merge and clear related checkboxes as a mitigation? I will have a look to this meanwhile.

I will try this yes.
Is there a way to share the project only with PlayCanvas support/devs? I’d rather not share the project (where this is occurring) on this forum, but I could with PlayCanvas team members if that helps.

you can add me (yakov-snap user) with Write permissions on project settings page.

hello, I added a comment into the other thread.