[SOLVED] PlayCanvas API site broken?

I went to the playcanvas developer tools for the API reference, however the site gave an error displayed over the now blank page:

Page Not Found

We could not find what you were looking for.

Please contact the owner of the site that linked you to the original URL and let them know their link is broken.

And so here I am with this information. Any help/information is much appreciated.

What is the URL of the page you are trying to reach? There may be an update in progress.

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Yes, I saw that.

I wish I was updated when such things happen, as often I am found lost.
I understand updating helps keep users retention and helps the game engine stay alive,
but sometimes it is annoying when I go to a site for help on sme details and the site is gone, deleted or under development. I was on the regular API tools website for scripting here: https://developer.playcanvas.com/en/api

Hey @Jacob_McBride2 sorry about this. The documentation is now on https://api.playcanvas.com, however, to help migration, we’ll update the existing /en/api link to point to the new site. Thanks for flagging this

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Sorry if I came off as a bit rude, it was not my intention, I use this engine for almost every project, and often I skim over things like the forum home feed etc, so I do find a few things like this every now and then I do appreciate your responses, and I am happy for both of your help. This is why I stick with playcanvas instead of unity.


I did somehow find myself inside of the git for your API, and read up on some of the math api for scripting there, so all in all it wasn’t much of an issue, just wanted to see if it was just me or something else. I appreciate your time. :grin:

All good. We’ve just pushed an update that should redirect most of the existing api links like https://developer.playcanvas.com/en/api/pc.XrFinger.html to the new site, so hopefully this should help. Let us know if you find any missing ones :pray:


Perfect and I will. Appreciate your time, glad to see the update working.


Found another broken link: https://developer.playcanvas.com/en/user-manual/optimization/batching/

Page Not Found

We could not find what you were looking for.

Please contact the owner of the site that linked you to the original URL and let them know their link is broken.

Hm, I wonder if that page existed before. Is this the page you are looking for? Batching | PlayCanvas Developer Site

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@will looks like this page was missed from the upgrade https://github.com/playcanvas/developer.playcanvas.com/blob/v1.30.0/content/en/user-manual/optimization/batching.md

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@yaustar Isn’t that here now?

Just so you know, I’m shuffling quite a few pages around this weekend. :wink:


Yeah but the old links were supposed to be updated to send to the new API developer site

Where did you find that link @Jacob_McBride2?

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I saw it when I Googled the batch groups.

OK, yeah. So Google needs a bit of time to crawl the site again and update links. Should be a short-term problem. I would also recommend using the search on the developer site itself - it’s really good now!

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Yeah, the old one always said what I needed didn’t exist, and referenced the forums even when I knew it did because I had seen it there before. Glad you guys updated though. And yeah I’ll give it some time, just here to report.

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