What does the ‘normal’ option within the texture compression module stand for?
if the compressed texture should treat the pixel as normal data
Is this an optimization thing? what does it do? I don’t get it.
What does the ‘normal’ option within the texture compression module stand for?
if the compressed texture should treat the pixel as normal data
Is this an optimization thing? what does it do? I don’t get it.
Generally compressing a normal map tends to create artifacts when rendering normals.
That’s why in WebGL we generally save normal maps as PNGs (loseless compression) instead of JPGs (lossy compression).
This isn’t an official answer, but I feel that switch gives a hint to the compression algorithm that this is a normal map, do a better job at compressing the normals.
@will may be able to add more.
That’s absolutely right @Leonidas.
Actually this flag is for a new texture compression format we are still working on called basis. The flag shouldn’t have appeared in the editor, sorry for the confusion @Anton_Gunaratnam_s_S.
Once basis support is released this flag will enable special handling of colours in order to optimise for normal data. More details will follow!
Ah ok thanks. I’m looking forward to more optimizations in PlayCanvas! Great job guys