Hi forum,
Can any help me Why Compress basis and Compress legacy buttons are not interactive
Here is attached screenshot
You should actually be using one or the other option (basis or legacy), not both at the same time.
Can you try disabling legacy and selecting basis only?
For basis you need to also import the Basis library module in your project render settings, so the textures work on runtime.
Hie @Leonidas Thanks for replying ,
Now you can see I am using only one option at a time but still it is not interactive and Basis module I already imported in my project.
Here is warning that I have already imported basis model
Hi @PlaycanvasDeveloper ,
Cool name!
Perhaps the interface is a little confusing? It looks like you already have a basis file in mode ETC and low quality. You can’t recompress the texture because it already exists.
If you change a setting (like etc->astc or quality to high) then you will be able to recompress the texture.
We’ll have a chat internally about the UI, because it is a bit confusing.
BTW you can confirm this yourself. Try launching your game with the browser developer window open and check which file is downloaded when you run the game (on the network tab).
You should see it downloading the .basis version of the file instead of .png/.jpg.
Also created https://github.com/playcanvas/editor/issues/856 to look into this more closely.