I try to import a animation from Unity, but i don’t get it worked. I can get two wrong results.
In Unity is used a object with a animation controller that contains the animation and i export that to a fbx file.
Result 1 is a working animation but with a wrong model:
Result 2 show a model with the previous played animation that not is playing, but you can see the orgin on the bottom playing an unknown animation:
Does that model have any animation assigned in the Editor Inspector in PlayCanvas?
Animations come in the .fbx, so you should be able to assign them easily and have them playing with no issue.
What does the animation inspector look like? Maybe set up a simple public project with only the model so we can look at it and help you out!
Yes, animations (from Toon Soldiers Asset) works fine, so i know how that works. But i have one animation that i have customized a little in Unity so it probably has to do with the export from Unity.
Solved by using Blender instead of Unity.
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