[SOLVED] Huge download time on Facebook Instant

The game is about 90mb and has all assets, textures, music etc to not preload. It starts fast on web and then the assets are loaded when they appear on screen.

On Facebook Instant though it seems to be loading all the assets upfront - likely because Facebook requires a zip with the game? however when the game runs you can see it preloading the assets on the screen, like they are not preloaded at all.

Any ideas on how to solve this?

Im thinking of storing the assets somewhere else


Hi @Yohami_Zerpa,

One thing that you can check, in the network tab found in the browser debug tools, when exactly and how fast the assets are loading. You can easily pinpoint names of assets you use and get a better understanding of what’s slowing down the load time, if it is indeed assets loading before the game starts:

Great, I’ll check

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Turns out it was the materials. The textures were set to not preload, but the materials were, and it seems that it was building the math for all the materials before the game started and slogging down.

The loadtime greatly increased by setting them to not preload. Thanks!