I tried to use expectedMaxPlayers option with joinRandomOrCreateRoom but it didn’t work can anyone help me with this issue cause I am new to playcanvas and photon .
Loadbalancing script I am using -
const PhotonLoadBalancingPlayCanvas = pc.createScript("PhotonLoadBalancingPlayCanvas");
PhotonLoadBalancingPlayCanvas.attributes.add("appId", { type: "string" });
PhotonLoadBalancingPlayCanvas.attributes.add("appVersion", {
type: "string",
default: "1.0",
// PhotonLoadBalancingPlayCanvas.attributes.add("expectedMaxPlayers", {
// type: "number",
// default: 4,
// });
PhotonLoadBalancingPlayCanvas.attributes.add("wss", {
type: "boolean",
default: true,
PhotonLoadBalancingPlayCanvas.attributes.add("region", {
type: "string",
default: "jp",
"Photon Cloud has servers in several regions, distributed across multiple hosting centers over the world.You can choose optimized region for you.",
enum: [
{ "Select Region": "default" },
{ "Asia, Singapore": "asia" },
{ "Australia, Melbourne": "au" },
{ "Canada, East Montreal": "cae" },
{ "Chinese Mainland (See Instructions) Shanghai": "cn" },
{ "Europe, Amsterdam": "eu" },
{ "India, Chennai": "in" },
{ "Japan, Tokyo": "jp" },
{ "Russia Moscow": "ru" },
{ "Russia, East Khabarovsk": "rue" },
{ "South Africa Johannesburg": "za" },
{ "South America, Sao Paulo": "sa" },
{ "South Korea, Seoul": "kr" },
{ "Turkey Istanbul": "tr" },
{ "USA, East Washington": "us" },
{ "USA, West San José": "usw" },
PhotonLoadBalancingPlayCanvas.prototype.initialize = function () {
// Photon Settings
this.loadBalancingClient = new Photon.LoadBalancing.LoadBalancingClient(this.wss ? 1 : 0, this.appId, this.appVersion);
// pc.Application
this.loadBalancingClient.app = this.app;
// Connect to the master server
if (!this.loadBalancingClient.isInLobby()) {
this.loadBalancingClient.onRoomList = this.onRoomList;
this.loadBalancingClient.onJoinRoom = this.onJoinRoom;
this.loadBalancingClient.onActorJoin = this.onActorJoin;
this.loadBalancingClient.onActorLeave = this.onActorLeave;
// Added
this.loadBalancingClient.onEvent = this.onEvent;
this.app.on("createOtherPlayerEntity", this.createOtherPlayerEntity, this);
this.app.on("loadbalancing:sendPlayerPosition", this.sendPlayerPosition, this);
PhotonLoadBalancingPlayCanvas.prototype.onRoomList = function () {
this.joinRandomOrCreateRoom(expectedMaxPlayers=2,null, MaxPlayers = 2);
PhotonLoadBalancingPlayCanvas.prototype.onJoinRoom = function (createdByMe) {
this.myRoomActorsArray().forEach((actor) => {
if (actor.isLocal) return;
this.app.fire("createOtherPlayerEntity", actor);
PhotonLoadBalancingPlayCanvas.prototype.onActorJoin = function (actor) {
if (actor.isLocal) return;
this.app.fire("createOtherPlayerEntity", actor);
const { x, y, z } = this.app.root.findByName("player1").getLocalPosition();
this.app.fire("loadbalancing:sendPlayerPosition", { x, y, z });
PhotonLoadBalancingPlayCanvas.prototype.onActorLeave = function (actor) {
const { actorNr } = actor;
const otherPlayer = this.app.root.findByName(actorNr);
if (actor.isLocal || !otherPlayer) return;
var z=0;
PhotonLoadBalancingPlayCanvas.prototype.createOtherPlayerEntity = function (actor) {
const { actorNr } = actor;
const entity = new pc.Entity();
entity.addComponent("render", { type: "capsule" });
entity.name = actorNr;
PhotonLoadBalancingPlayCanvas.prototype.sendPlayerPosition = function (position) {
this.loadBalancingClient.raiseEvent(1, { position });
PhotonLoadBalancingPlayCanvas.prototype.onEvent = function (code, content, actorNr) {
switch (code) {
case 1: {
const otherPlayer = this.app.root.findByName(actorNr);
if(content.position.x>512.621 && content.position.z >610.003){
const entity = this.app.root.findByName("display");
entity.findByName("Text").element.text =`Player ${actorNr} won`;
if (otherPlayer) {
const { x, y, z } = content.position;
otherPlayer.setLocalPosition(x, y, z);