[SOLVED] How to figure out current size of my scene?

Hi, all

Pls could someone to help me to figure out the size of my scene and how to reach the best optimisation of my scene!?

Thanks for attnetion.

Did you check out this page in the User Manual:


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Thank you, I will check it,

Where can I find on Playcanvas information about size of each object that I have in my scene!?

Click on the asset. Then in the inspector, you can see the size of the object.

The main problem that I need to see first the size of whole project!?

When you push a build of your project, the full size of that build is shown here:

The size of your project is shown in the project page, before you enter the editor:



I think it happened some mistake,

I used in my scene 100mb but according to my price plan I can use 200mb, how to solve this problem?

I don’t really see any error here @Ivan_Stratiichuk. Are you getting any message that says disk limit exceeded or similar?

Yes, I can`t upload more models…

Do you have any other projects on your account?

second project have size approx 300kb

I think that the total project size is the sum of all the project assets plus any builds created. So if your project’s total asset size is around ~100MB and you also have one build in place (+100MB) then that sums around the limit.

I may be wrong though on this, @will may be able to offer more insight on this.

What’s your username @Ivan_Stratiichuk?


No, I mean on playcanvas.com


I’m not sure why you have exceeded your limit, but I’ve boosted your storage limit. You should be OK now.


Thank you, I need to check it, I`ll let you know!

Everything works, thank you?

How much space do I have now?