[SOLVED] How do you make First-person movement?

Hello everybody! I am currently making a game called willow tree, and so far I have gotten the story down, but I am having trouble trying to make first-person movement. I have looked at the tutorial and on certain videos. I have tried the code out for myself and it doesn’t work at all. If anyone can help me that would be great!

Hey @Strawberry, could you please elaborate on what problems you’ve been having? What part of the PlayCanvas tutorials don’t work? Do you have any console errors?

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The PlayCanvas First person tutorial does not work. I am having console errors.

The tutorials are helpful, but the code is not.

Hello @Strawberry! What kind of errors do you have? It may be something you can easily fix. Sometimes many errors can be resolved with one change.

When I put in the code for the controllers, It looks perfectly fine. But, when I try to run the code it does not work. Most of the tutorials don’t even tell how to put the code into the sprite.

Try to check the errors one by one to determine the cause of the error. (You can click on the console error to see which part of the script needs your attention). If you share a link of your project I’ll take a look later today.

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Same, I can also help if you link your project! :smiley:

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That Is great! I added you in. Here it is!
I deleted all the code that didn’t work and now I am trying again.

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I may go afk for some time

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sadly i have computer science for 30 more minutes can you wait?

That’s ok!

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Thanks! I got in trouble for sending my game link in online chat ;(


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You have not assigned the script to the player entity, that is the problem

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how do you do that?

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I have fixed this problem


okay :+1:

@Strawberry, just for reference, take a look at this guide - https://developer.playcanvas.com/en/user-manual/scripting/creating-new/