[SOLVED] Enemy AI goes through walls

Hi guys! Currently working on a basic project making enemy AI that follows you at a certain distance and decreases health when colliding. Although I enabled rigid body & collisions to the walls, for some reason the enemy goes through them :frowning: is there a way to fix this? Thank you!!

Hi @jcatalan!

You can’t move a dynamic rigidbody using translate. It will only move the entity and not the rigidbody of it. Instead you need to apply a force on the rigidbody of the entity.

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ohh, so how would the code look when using force instead? because in the entity column of the enemy I added a dynamic rigid body. Should somewhere in this code be changed instead, at the end? thank you again!

var EnemyAi = pc.createScript('enemyAi');

EnemyAi.attributes.add('enemySpeed', {type: 'number', default: 1.0});
EnemyAi.attributes.add('detectionRange', {type: 'number', default: 5});
EnemyAi.attributes.add('playerEntity', {type: 'entity'});

// initialize code called once per entity
EnemyAi.prototype.initialize = function() {

// update code called every frame
EnemyAi.prototype.update = function(dt) {
    // 1. get the player's position
    var playerPosition = this.playerEntity.getPosition();

    // 2. calculate the distance to player
    var distanceToPlayer = this.entity.getPosition().distance(playerPosition);

    // 3. check if the player is within the detection range
    if(distanceToPlayer < this.detectionRange){

    // 4. move towards the player
    var direction = playerPosition.clone().sub(this.entity.getPosition()).normalize();
    this.entity.translate(direction.scale(this.enemySpeed * dt));



You can try to replace line 24 with something like below.

this.entity.rigidbody.applyForce(direction.scale(this.enemySpeed * dt));

Hi! tried it right now and suddenly the enemies don’t follow the players anymore :// any way to fix this? thanks so much! PlayCanvas | HTML5 Game Engine

var EnemyAi = pc.createScript('enemyAi');

EnemyAi.attributes.add('enemySpeed', {type: 'number', default: 1.0});
EnemyAi.attributes.add('detectionRange', {type: 'number', default: 5});
EnemyAi.attributes.add('playerEntity', {type: 'entity'});

// initialize code called once per entity
EnemyAi.prototype.initialize = function() {

// update code called every frame
EnemyAi.prototype.update = function(dt) {
    // 1. get the player's position
    var playerPosition = this.playerEntity.getPosition();

    // 2. calculate the distance to player
    var distanceToPlayer = this.entity.getPosition().distance(playerPosition);

    // 3. check if the player is within the detection range
    if(distanceToPlayer < this.detectionRange){

    // 4. move towards the player
    var direction = playerPosition.clone().sub(this.entity.getPosition()).normalize();
    this.entity.rigidbody.applyForce(direction.scale(this.enemySpeed * dt));

Sorry, I don’t know what is the reason.

I suggest to search on the forum or look at example project to see how you need to do it exactly.

oh okay, thank you so much anyways! means a lot :slight_smile:

for anyone experiencing the same problem, i found the solution: change it to linear velocity:)this.entity.rigidbody.linearVelocity = directionToPlayer.scale(this.enemySpeed);

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