[SOLVED] Editor loading issues

We have recently released an update to the editor which updates some of our rules and paths for serving pages and content. Therefore it is advised for you to hard refresh your tab(s) (Ctrl/Cmd + F5) to reload without cached content.

N.B for editor themes you may also have to re-set them if not showing.


I’m unsure if my problem is related to the changes you’ve just made, however the timing of the post and a few of the things I’ve tested seem to suggest it might be.

I use a typescript template which uses webpack to compile all of my code to one index.js file and then syncs that with playcanavs. I’ve recently become unable to parse that index.js file, which completely bricks my ability to work in playcanvas.

I initially thought I’d done something recently in my code that might have caused this, however switching to a project I haven’t touched in weeks that uses the same webpack method and attempting to parse the index.js file also results in the same error.

Here is a screenshot of the error that I get when attempting to parse my index.js.

Could you add me to your project so I can take a look for you?

I believe I’ve just added you to the wrong project, remove you and then added you to the correct one. Basically if you navigate to the index.js file and hit parse you’ll get the error.

You might need to be on the right branch as well to get this to occurr, the node-tool-building branch is the one I’m currently working on, although I imagine it occurrs elsewhere too.

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We’re seeing a similar issue - our build expects to be able to access window during parse:


Okay just deployed a fix and the script parses correctly now

Thank you!

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That’s great, thank you for looking into it.

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