I’ve been trying to connect to the editor for a while now but I’ve had no luck? Is the server down?
I’ve been trying to connect to the editor for a while now but I’ve had no luck? Is the server down?
It’s working here right now, do you still experience an issue?
We’re experiencing some major issues. Can’t delete assets in the project folders. @Leonidas
I can confirm this, right now folders aren’t removed. @will @vaios
Adding this to the Editor bug tracker.
Exactly, we can’t delete anything.https://forum-files-playcanvas-com.s3.dualstack.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/original/2X/1/18833df9bdf0d4100d3dff792a5829e62e7e2194.mp4
Having the same problem…
But funny enough the do disappear sometimes after a couple of minutes.
Fixed! Sorry for the inconvenience.